A good Cause


We have been raised by the idea of if you have more than you need build a bigger table – not a higher fence and our beloved parents did a fairly good job with us. We’ve learnt the lesson – so we did our research and picked a charity to support with our day to day work.

Unfortunately, heart and cardiovascular diseases are well known in our family therefore we’ve found convenient to help and support as much as we can the British Heart Foundation.


British Heart Foundation is funding extra researches into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart and circulatory diseases. They’re also providing information to help people reduce their own heart health risk; support to those with heart conditions via their website, information booklets or heart helpline and offers free CPR kits to schools and is working with the Department of Health to distribute defibrillators throughout England.

Only last year they have raised more than £158 million, of which £120 million was spent on life-saving research and support for heart patients. £38 million was spent on the costs associated with generating income. In other words, for every £1 raised, around 76p, went straight to funding research on heart and circulatory diseases, and the risk factors that cause them. That’s amazing yet their job is far from over. Seven million people in the UK live with heart and circulatory diseases, and these diseases are responsible for more than quarter of all deaths.

If you would like to read more about their outstanding work you can find more information on their website at https://www.bhf.org.uk/